- Oh-Baby: Starting out.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Starting out.

I am working on trying to have a healthy pregnancy. I know I always get pregnancy inducded high blood pressure but I really don't want to have Gestational Diabetes this time. I know I may get it anyway. I know my family has a history of Diabetes and I know that I have had it with my last two pregnancies. But I intend to give it a run for it's money this time.

I also have been working on being healthy and I don't want to let that go just because I am pregnant. So, I am working on BabyFit to come up with healthy menus that can work for me. I am having troubles getting in enough iron and so I am working on that.

This will be a journey. I am 39 years old. I am pregnant with my fourth baby and I am overweight. I just really want to end up in as good a place as possible when I get to hold this beautiful baby in my arms.